the International Association for Outcome-Based Evaluation and Research on Family and Children’s Services
The iaOBERfcs Association is a small group of scholars in the area of outcome evaluation who came together to work collaboratively on descriptive and comparative evaluations and research on family and children’s services. We used the image of a tree for describing the Association work: the fertile soil in which the tree is planted, the roots and trunk and its ability to create new trees connected to the initial one, composed of leaves and fruits that is publications and conferences.
“…the evergreen tree of the Association is composed of a group of scholars led by the idea that outcome evaluation must illuminate and guide the research in the field of family and children’s services. This group of scholars represents the leaves and the energy of the association…”
From: The international association: Origins, history, and development Children and Youth Services Review 31 (2009) 1069 – 1073
Annual Seminar in Rome, October 2018